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Your #1 online
music school

Online music lessons with qualified music teachers
 400+ music teachersFlexible appointment booking & individual curriculum Secure payment via SIRIUS

Your #1 online
music school

• Online music lessons with qualified music teachers

• 400+ music teachers
• Flexible schedule & individual curriculum
• Secure payment via SIRIUS

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Which instrument would you like to learn?

Find your perfect music teacher

Kind spielt Gitarre

We'll find the perfect music teacher

Taking your criteria into account, we will find the ideal teacher for you.

Frau lacht und hält eine Gitarre in der Hand

Take a free trial lesson

You'll get to know your music teacher in a trial lesson before you make a decision.

Gain new experiences

Plan your goals with your music teacher and benefit from your own workspace.

Kind spielt GitarreFrau lacht und hält eine Gitarre in der Hand

SIRIUS Ratings

Many music students all over the world already trust SIRIUS.

“Meine Tochter konnte direkt am nächsten Tag mit dem Gesangsunterricht starten, der Unterricht mit Leonie ist super!”


Mutter einer Gesangschülerin

„David hat mir Musiktheorie sehr anschaulich erklärt. Ich bin jetzt schon 4 Monate dabei und liebe es…“



“Ich habe mich immer vor Musiknoten und Musiktheorie gedrückt. Jetzt macht es mir beim Klavier lernen richtig Spaß…”



“Ich wollte eigentlich nur eine paar Lagerfeuerlieder auf Gitarre lernen, aber bin jetzt schon über ein halbes Jahr dabei. Ganz klare Empfehlung!”



“Julianna ist fantastisch! Das professionelle Stimmtraining hat meine Bühnenpräsenz total verändert…”



Learning guitar, piano and singing made easy

Frau hört Musik mit Kopfhörern

Singing lessons

Do you want to train your voice? Improve your vocal range thanks to professional singing and breathing techniques with our expert vocal coaches. Get started right away and sign up for our free singing trial lesson.

Frau spielt E-Gitarre

Guitar lessons

Learn the first guitar chords and develop an understanding of guitar techniques, fingerpicking and guitar riffs with our expert guitar teachers. Start right away and book your free trial lesson for guitar.

Mann spielt Klavier

Piano lessons

Learn the basics of music theory while playing the piano, improve your technique and develop an understanding of rhythm, scales and intervals with our piano lessons. Start right away and sign up for our free piano trial lesson.

Which instrument Would you like to learn?

Learn an instrument online

Are you looking for online guitar lessons, piano lessons or singing lessons? Whether it's voice training, guitar chords or music theory, at SIRIUS Music School you'll find the right music teacher for your needs.

In a free trial lesson, you'll get to know your music teacher and discuss your wishes and goals for music lessons with them. You can then easily book your guitar lessons, piano lessons or singing lessons online.

Mann spielt Gitarre
Frau unterrichtet Gitarre

Online music lessons in a sound-optimized virtual music room

As professional music teachers, we know how important it is for online music lessons to be able to capture even the finest nuances and dynamic changes. For this purpose, we have developed our virtual music room especially for online lessons, which you can use free of charge when learning an instrument with SIRIUS. You can easily access sheet music in the student area at any time and have your lesson material ready at any time.

Frequently asked questions & answers about online music lessons

How do online music lessons at SIRIUS work?

We offer you personal music lessons online and our music teachers will guide you live step by step as you learn to play the instrument. For online music lessons, our teachers exclusively use our self-developed online music lesson software for the best possible sound.

How do we ensure the high quality of our music teachers?

When it comes to learning to play an instrument, nothing is more important than a qualified professional music teacher. At SIRIUS Music School, you can be sure that all teachers have been verified by us in advance.

How many teachers are available online for music lessons?

There are currently over 400 music teachers available at SIRIUS who are ready to help you learn how to play an instrument online.

How much do music lessons online cost?

The average price for music lessons is €24. The costs of music lessons depend on the booked lesson package, i.e. on the duration and frequency of the lesson.

What are the benefits of taking music lessons online?

Online music lessons eliminate the time and costs of traveling to music lessons. Short-term bookings of music lessons or switching to a new music teacher are no problem thanks to the online booking tool. It is also easy to transfer to piano lessons or singing lessons, for example.

Which instrument Would you like to learn?

Free trial lesson